Monday, June 4, 2007

Bug repellent

Ive posted before about a site to check the ingredients and safety of your skin/beauty products. They've redone their site. I think there are still some kinks to work out because the font is a little weird for me but check out the EWG's NEW COSMETIC DATABASE

I just went there to find a safe bug repellent. The mosquitos are vicious this year! California Babies wins again - Im going to get some of their spray this week. You have to apply it more often than regular bug repellent but its safer. It has a score of 2 (green, for safe) and Skin-so-soft has a score of 8 (red, for avoid!).

There has been so much debate about the safety of DEET. Now the AAP says not to use a DEET product on children that is over 30%. But I personally prefer not to rub my children down with pesticide if I can help it - go figure. Better safe than sorry in my oh-so-humble opinion. ;)

THIS is a site for a non-deet product, so they are a little biased. But I had to laugh a little that they mentioned that Deet can dissolve the epoxies and gel coats off of boats - what?!?!?! Their whole marketing slant is that its not wise for hunters, fisherman, etc. to use Deet since it can damage so many of the products a fisherman touches. Nice eh? So yeah, pretty much not going to rub that stuff all over my sweet little blessings from God!

p.s. one site I came across said that taking garlic capsules can help as a natural bug repellent! Ive taken them before and no, you dont smell like garlic.


Alli said...

I was just wondering about this the other day. We used to give our dog garlic and brewer's yeast capsules to keep off fleas and mosquitos. Never crossed my mind that it would work for us!

Oh, while I was at Target the other day, I saw that they have started selling California Baby products!

Green Republican said...

Just thought I'd mention that if you are taking garlic for the health benefits (antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal), you are best to eat it raw and crushed rather than in pill form.

The active ingredient in garlic disappears an hour after crushing, cutting, pressing, slicing or dicing a fresh clove. Don't eat a clove "whole" though because the active ingredient only becomes active after cutting it.