Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HPV vaccine

(this is my 100th post - yay!!!)

I just read this article today. Eleven girls have died after receiving the HPV vaccine. Thousands had experienced adverse effects. Almost half the pregnant women who received it experienced complications, including spontaneous abortion :(

On message boards I read posts from moms who are saying they'll do anything to avoid HPV and cancer for their daughters. Of course we all want that. But vaccinating with a new vaccine, for which we have no idea the side effects OR the efficiency is not the answer. If its given after a girl has HPV it can cause more harm then good - how many girls do you think are lying to their moms when they ask them if they are virgins before taking them to get vaccinated???

The answer is not trusting in this vaccine, its teaching our young daughters to respect their bodies and not have premarital sex (and in the very least, have protected sex). I dont want my daughter to ever have cancer or suffer infertility due to HPV but I also wouldnt risk her life for the *possibility* of preventing it.

Its just not worth it. Our family will be staying FAR away from this vaccine for sure. I hope that many girls arent killed or injured over this. (a vaccine for boys is in the works!)


rachelle said...

could not agree more. The marketing of this vaccine makes me SICK.

Anonymous said...

Rach- I don't know if "the experts" know how effective condoms are against HPV. I thought I read somewhere that the virus is so small they think it might get through condoms.

I've invested in chastity belts for my kids.

(and as a side, note, I remember my pediatrician talking to me about sex when I was 11 or so and she told me about this virus that I could get from having sex, that would give me cancer or make it so I could never have babies. I wonder if she was talking about HPV. That would have been in the late 80's)

Rachel said...

interesting about the condoms. thanks, i didnt know that.

i second the chastity belts LOL

Rachel said...

interesting about the condoms. thanks, i didnt know that.

i second the chastity belts LOL